《一筆一畫愛上你》林詠琛 x 小橘子誠品對談 Words and Pictures
小橘子略帶憂鬱的畫作,曾為林詠琛十多本謎一樣的小說披上神秘的外紗。最新合作短篇小說《雨,遲下了一天》剛剛出爐,兩人將破天荒首度對談。3 to 5pm, 17/12/2016, 尖沙咀誠品3/F。Talk by Clementine and local best seller who she has been collaborating with for over 10 novels. The latest book featuring short stories has just been released. Conducted in Cantonese. Eslite Forum, Tsim Sha Shui, 3 - 5pm, Dec 17, 2016.
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- Oct. 15, 2015
Out of the Blue - solo exhibition by Clementine Chan. Part of Festive Korea.
Following the success of the “Out of the Blue” solo exhibition in Seoul 2014, home grown painter Clementine Chan brings the artworks inspired by Korean culture back to Hong Kong.
The works in “Out of the Blue” were created from the experience and the places Clementine has visited in Korea during her 5 month artist residency at the Korea National University of Arts in 2014. The exhibition contains two parts: oil on canvas and prints of digital drawing. While the former works are more poetic and painterly, and the latter more humorous and cartoonish, both were based on an alter ego of her called Bluey, the little girl in blue who appears in each work whom she has initially created on iPad by finger drawing. Her vision of the world and her wit and philosophy reflect the inspiration and amazement Clementine had on this land where Yin meets Yang. The three main elements of the Korean language - Hangul (sky, earth, man) as well as the four trigrams of the Korean national flag Taegukgi (sky, sun, moon, earth) were embedded in the paintings. And the adventures of alien Bluey are illustrated in digital drawings with witty scripts.
Clementine’s debut exhibition in Seoul is accompanied by her first illustration book in Korea, titled “Bluey Seoul Happy”. Come see the city through Bluey’s eyes and keep her company in her adventure. She is having a great time, and so will you!
《從天而降》 "Out of the Blue" 是2014年下旬,香港畫家小橘子在韓國綜合藝術大學擔任駐校藝術家期間所創作的畫作, 包括一系列油畫及數碼作品,當中皆以一個藍衣小女孩為主題。靈感來自她在首爾五個月期間的生活、四時景色、韓國文化,以及曾到訪的旅遊景點及文化聖地。其中,「天·地·人」油畫系列從十五世紀世宗大王創立韓文字的基礎發展出來。圓為天,橫線為地,直線為人。「禪想」中的圖像甚至包含了一個韓文字。至於其他油畫作品,不難看到傳統韓屋,漫天銀杏與紅葉飛舞的秋色,和春天花草遍地的韓國美景。數碼作品則選自小橘子在韓國創作的《藍藍首爾開心奇遇》繪本。藍藍是小橘子在2011年在平板電腦上創作的手指畫人物,也是小橘子的分身。英韓對照的調皮文本與圖畫記載了小橘子在首爾的遊蹤,彷如圖像遊記。
“Blue Tales” Exhibition and
the launch of “Bluey’s Book of Genesis” illustration book by Clementine
Date: Aug 22 to Sep 5, 2015
Time: 2:00pm – 7:00pm (Monday to Sunday)
Opening and Artist's Sharing: Aug 22, 2015 3pm - 5pm
Tablet Finger Drawing Workshop: Aug 29, 2015 3:00pm
Clementine’s colourful but somewhat melancholy paintings have added a mysterious air to the covers of several enigmatic novels of bestselling Hong Kong author Lam Wing Sum. The original works will be shown together for the first time in “Blue Tales”. The exhibition will also include Clementine’s humorous finger drawings on tablet featuring the little girl character Bluey she created, the inspiration for one of Lam’s novels. “Bluey’s Book of Genesis”, the latest illustration book by the artist, will be launched at the show, accompanied by a sharing session and a digital drawing workshop.
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thx! i have to prepare another copy for you. can send to you by courier once ready next week. pls give me your contact at trustnil@gmail.com for further arrangement.
Thanks! Pls reserve one for me, I will go to buy on Tuesday evening around 8:00 pm
It's digital drawing on photo. Signed limited edition of 50. $1800 with frame.
yes. digital drawing on photo.