Ta Kung Pao, 2011
Ta Kung Pao, Sept 1, 2015
SingTao Newspaper. Aug, 2015.
The Standard HK. Aug, 2015.
MingPao Daily, HK.
MingPao Weekly.
Aug. 30, 2015
The World of Bluey
Clementine Chan
"I suppose she is my alter ego - I was quiet when I was young and spent a lot of time alone," says Hong Kong artist Clementine Chan. "And I spent a lot of time at the zoo to indulge my love of animals."
The "she" Clementine is referring to is Bluey, the whimsical girl in a blue dress who is the centrepiece of her series "The World of Bluey", now on show at Taikoo Place.
The Hong Kong show, however, is not Bluey's debut. Last year Chan exhibited at the Frammenti d'Arte Gallery in Rome. Next year she will take the exhibition to Taiwan. Chan has been showing in the city since 1994.
Like Chan, Bluey's favourite colour is blue and she loves animals. In the series, Pipi the penguin is Bluey's best friend - much like the relationship between Snoopy and Charlie Brown from the Peanuts comic strip, which is one of Chan's favourites.
And like that other popular comic character, Hello Kitty, Bluey does not have a mouth. She prefers to express herself with short and witty phrases.
"I love playing with words. At the moment, all the sayings are in English but I plan to release them in Chinese - they will follow classical Chinese poetry and literature, of which I'm a fan."
Chan was inspired by 19th-century German Romantic landscape artist Caspar David Friedrich, in particular his Wanderer Above the Mist (1818). Much like that painting, the series presents a figure looking into the emptiness, with hints of loneliness, meditation and wonderment.
Bluey came into existence in 2012, while Chan was finger painting on her iPad. While the drawings are simple, the character is complex.
"Bluey is quirky, poetic, philosophical, political, a bit crazy and depressed, but always full of humour."
For now, Bluey can only be found on postcards and greeting cards.
"Bluey has a bright future. I recently quit my job as an administrator at a dance company to focus full-time on her. I want to develop the character and expand the merchandise to include bags, T-shirts and mugs."
Linkbridge, Lincoln House, Taikoo Place, Quarry Bay, daily 8am-9pm. Ends March 17
Aug. 30, 2015
大公報 2014年3月12 日
「行到水窮處,坐看雲起時。」生活感到走投無路,無心戀棧時,坐下來想想,歇歇,以往怎過來,未來怎樣去,很好。藝術家卻不同,如小橘子(Clementine Chan),遇到同樣狀況,她畫畫,她辭職,想轉變就轉變,說不幹就不幹。
靈感泉湧 點子多多
她豎起食指,興奮地比畫說:「我只用這根手指畫畫,需要放大縮小畫面時,才加上拇指。去年到英國參加藝術領袖計劃,沒法畫油畫,正巧學識用任何地方都能畫的Sketch Pro軟件畫畫。畢加索用手指在玻璃上畫畫,與在iPad上畫的原理一樣呢。」
妙思奇想 隨心而發
二○一二年,小橘子第一本圖畫故事書《藍藍物語》(The Story of Bluey)以及林詠琛與小橘子合著的以藍藍為主題創作的《遠空之藍》呱呱墮地,七十多幅作品分享她生活中靈機一觸的深切感悟。當時我正好在法國南部的紫藍色薰衣草田,遙遙祝賀。
相配字句 詩意盎然
與畫面相配的字句,總有不同解讀。「One Bluey a day takes your blues away」是她心靈的治療,「Bluey braves a bumpy ride」能人所不能,「How Bluey deals with the darkest day of her life」,畫面是黑夜中的亮燈……
「對於朝九晚五的工作,真的想有個轉變,做自己想做的事。現在藍藍的創作可走多數量的生產,價錢廉宜,數百元也買得起,選禮物給朋友,勝過在禮品店購買,詞句更可根據需要調整,作為對親友的祝福。」她還靜靜的告訴我:「我在台北找一間有三隻貓貓的cafe gallery,他們很喜歡我的作品,稍後舉行展覽。」
"The paintings of Clementine Chan are well represented in the ongoing dialogue between man and environment, between beauty and nature, which are the area's favorite themes - Travel, Nature, Thought, Time. The artist prefers for her subject pure forms, vibrant colors and lit by a changing light invades her works. The atmosphere is calm and quiet, but a silence that makes noise - the sound of silence - the work is pervaded by a profound sense of mystery and suspension." Galleria Tondinelli, Rome
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Latest comments
25.10 | 12:57
Thanks! Pls reserve one for me, I will go to buy on Tuesday evening around 8:00 pm
25.10 | 13:13
thx! i have to prepare another copy for you. can send to you by courier once ready next week. pls give me your contact at trustnil@gmail.com for further arrangement.
25.10 | 12:08
It's digital drawing on photo. Signed limited edition of 50. $1800 with frame.
25.10 | 09:48
yes. digital drawing on photo.
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